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Loewe multi- valve The first ever integrated circuit, from 1926! | The BIG stuff Serious glass. | High-frequency valves plus klystrons & magnetrons. | Spark gap and triggered gap tubes and small thyratrons. |
valves ..and the cutest little CRT you'll ever see...! |
Vintage valves | Mercury Arc Rectifiers How you made DC before silicon. | Lamps etc. Antique / unusual bulbs & arc tubes.. |
Neon lamps and neon strobe tubes. | Geissler tubes pretty discharge tubes from before the days of neon. | Assorted glass components Weston cells, crystals, geiger tubes, vacuum guage. | Photoelectric Cells and photomultipliers. |
Nixie tubes, dekatrons & counting tubes Digital glass stuff. | Nixie Clock project Full construction details including PCB artwork. | Advertisments for early electronic stuff incuding very early transistors & computing, from the early 1950s. | Interesting
old frequency counter Unusual display device |
Very Clever Glassware including a glass analogue to digital converter and a 256 bit memory tube. |
Warning! Tesla coils and their ancillary equipment are VERY VERY dangerous and you should not even THINK about trying to make one unless you really understand the dangers of high-voltage electrical systems. And even then you probably shouldn't.
Tesla coil pictures Trying not to burn down my garage. | Zapping CD's What to do with that Spice Girls CD you got for Xmas. | Lightbulb plasma globe Storm in a bulb. | Laptop Hell Remember those 'portable' PC's with plasma displays? |
Fun with Argon Inert gas getting slightly more ert. | Zapping Electronic stuff Chip frying. | High voltage demo at the Deutsches Museum, Munich. | UK
Teslathon Corby '98 First UK teslathon. |
UK Teslathon Corby '99 | UK
Teslathon Cambridge '99 With AVI's of coils and exploding stuff |
UK Teslathon Corby 2000 | Fun with a surge generator Can-crushing, ballistic maglev and exploding stuff. |
Jacob's Ladders High-voltage flames | Tesla Coil Motor Electric 'wheel of fire' effects. | Fun with Plasma in a xenon flash tube | "Quick & Dirty" Marx Generator Big sparks - fast! |
The Destruct-O-Tron Three Thousand
Joules of danger! |
The Jacobs-Ladder-O-Phone of fire! A new twist on an old HV device |
Marx Three |
Teslathon Derby 2004 |
Sparks of Fire High voltage AND flames - cool! |
Teslathon 2004 |
camera meets destruct-o-tron Amazing footage! |
Destruction in
the name of charity
The Spark-O-Phone Sound improvisation by electrons... |
50KV Electron Microscope PSU | Info on high-power pulse switching devices trigatrons, thyratrons and various other -trons. |
Inside Electric Stuff - Ever wondered what electronic gadgets look like inside but were scared to get your screwdriver out ? |
Cynical commercial exploitation department (Warning : may contain something that is actually useful, or something I get paid for...)
My Electric stuff on Ebay | Universal prototyping board Highly flexible board for DIP and SMD building. |
48 Channel DMX dimmer | The Day Job |
Forum for Versatronics & other low-end pick & Place machines |
Press / web articles etc. featuring this site :
featured site of the day Jan 2012
EEweb interview Dec
BBC feature on Dorkbotlondon,
featuring sparkophone presentation, June 2009
� Mike Harrison 1998-2014. Email : mike@electricstuff.co.uk