Tool loading and unloading problems

Started by Mickyblueeyes, February 17, 2020, 11:38:18 AM

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The z axis was making a grinding noise so I decided to replace the rack and pinion, in the end I changed the pinion and turned the rack back to front as only one side was worn, on reassembly I went through the calibration procedure for the cams using tool 2 and tool5, and reset the focussing etc for camera 1 and camera 2, I then ran the tool height routine which seems to run without a nozzle fitted (no instructions).

Since carrying out the above I have a problem where the machine cannot put the nozzle back into the tool station, and occasionally doesnt pick up the tool, I have never used the tool station height calibration before and I am wondering whether it needs tweaking somehow so that the nozzle is picked and place lower in the tool station to allow it to turn and lock properly.

Any Ideas?



I am having the same problem but only have the issue with tool 2 (or I should say tool position 2) tool 2 in any other position works fine



One thing that took me a while to figure out originally - is that I had one tool that didn't load well. Turned out it had a mostly blocked orifice (can I say that on here :) ) - and the resulting back pressure was stopping it from being pushed on properly.

I've tried the tool block height cal a few times both with and without the nozzle and in both cases the results didn't seem to make much sense - so I reverted to the old height - but I would like to learn the right call method too as I think I have a small error on pickup height.

Also, anyone know how to do the fid cam cal? A member on here recently implied they did.

I've been using my RV a lot over the last few days and by-and-large it has been working out well. I sure wish I had access to the source code though so I could make some UI improvements.



Thanks for your replies to this one, It seems the problem wasn't height just accuracy, I think after reassembly of the arm head the nozzle position was slightly different, I re worked the tool positions and now it works perfectly.
