Pick and Place Machine SMT460

Started by Sixexe, March 19, 2018, 11:29:51 AM

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This looks like an interesting machine.  If an English user interface was available this would be a cracking machine. I have seen the price of around $7,400.



It may well come with an English version..

this is purportedly a training video for the same machine with several other videos, all showing an English user interface



Looks quite good but no doubt has the usual terrible chinese software.
Aliexpress listing at $6200, presumably excluding feeders.
Looks pretty huge, but limited space for feeders - doesn't look like you can have any at the left/right.
Also no sign that it can do nozzle changes, though 4 heads mitigates that slightly.
Part height doesn't look as limited as the Neoden 4 with it's see-saw head