
Started by Mike, December 18, 2015, 10:18:49 AM

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This looks interesting :
1500mm PCB capacity!

Awful Anglo-Chinglish video

More info here
Prices for the feeders are:


Hmm, looks quite sane.  I didn't see any automatic nozzle changing, though? Do you just preload with the mix you need, and if that lets you pick more of the same thing, the job runs faster?

I think that narrator bloke is synthetic. (Yeah!)

Edit: software? Until it's shown not to be unbearably annoying, I'll let other people shake the bugs out.
I do like the use of the conveyor (and extra fiducials?) to allow arbitrarily long boards, though. Do other conveyor machines do that and I've just never seen it?

Gopher I think this thing does a similar trick, so I'm going to assume special LED versions often do things like this. I seem to recall one manufacturer even listing some kind of reel-reel ability for flex production which must require that to happen continuously. You could argue some of the very module high speed system carry out a similar trick even if in some respects they are essentially multiple narrow machines in a row.
This doesn't look much better to me than the other machines, OK they have real feeders, maybe, but it's still a super lightweight yay puny construction which doesn't bode well for longevity, stabilty or accuracy. Probably fun for the hobbyist to have in the corner, but I would doubt a small business or lab would really want to deal with the issues it almost certainly has a soon as you push it.


You get what you pay for, however until this, there hasn't really been any sensible-sized, new option at this price level until now. For a machine this size and capability, a used RV has been about the only option.

Probably not a good option for someone wanting to run all day every day, but having said that, how many of these could you buy for the same cost as a heavier duty machine, to give more flexibility and better fault tolerance.
And as & when things do wear out, spares are hardly likely to be expensive.

If they are claiming 0201, then it should at least be able to do 0402s all day long.
Lack of flying vision is disappointing, but 4 heads, which look like they are all visioned in one go, may compensate for this to some extent, assuming the software is good enough to make efficient use of them (unlike the early TM220 dual-head machines).

There's a thread at eevblog with someone due to take delivery of one on Monday :

The long-board facility is making me seriously think about replacing the RV with one if it looks viable.


Oh dear, seems head Z travel is only about 10mm, so part height limit is 5mm. Very disappointing.