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For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / DSP card for sale
Last post by trev - October 11, 2024, 12:03:02 PM
Anyone interested in making me an offer on a DSP card?

General SMT / Re: Wave soldering (ok not qui...
Last post by phonoplug - October 11, 2024, 11:40:26 AM
Interested to hear about adding germanium to the solder. What sort of quantity have you added and does it make a big difference to the dross? I'm keen to give it a try if it does. Where do you get it from? I'm not that keen to buy some from ebay, would rather get from a more trustworthy supplier, but it doesn't seem like there really are any!

RV Software / Re: windows95 / 98 drivers
Last post by phonoplug - October 08, 2024, 05:10:21 PM
Hi Kobie,

I've had a look through what I've got and it turns out I have a few different versions of a couple of files that may be relevant. I'll attach them all. You will need to rename the one you want to use as "framegrab.dll" and "Pxc2_95.dll" before trying them. They both live in c:\versatronics\rv\

I would also guess that you need to close and re-open the program before trying out a new version.

I dont know anything about what the differences are unfortunately so it will just need to be a try it and see approach!


Edit: I tried to attach the files - they are only a few hundered kb, but got an error:

There was a problem during the uploading of [filename].
The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem.

I'll email them to you directly in the mean time.
RV Software / windows95 / 98 drivers
Last post by kobie - October 07, 2024, 06:44:10 AM

I'm new in being an owner of a RV4 and not sure how many different configurations are out there, I would like to know if there is someone who can perhaps assist with Windows 95 / 98 drivers for a PXC-200L-02 Imagenation Grabber card. (PXC-200L-02 Imagenation (Color Frame Grabber) | ArtisanTG™)
I have been looking all over the internet and can't find drivers for the card, emailed the support people but without avail.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / RV Feeders
Last post by LeoBodnar - September 23, 2024, 12:49:19 PM
We have 5 blue and 5 grey feeder blocks from our 2 x QPlacer machines which we have now upgraded to Siemens Siplace feeders. There's also a load of spare parts, PSU, belts, wheels, etc.etc.

They are at our office in Silverstone, but can be shipped.

We were thing £100 per unit, or we can do a bulk price if you want more.

Please let us know if anyone is interested.
For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Lots of RV spares
Last post by trev - September 04, 2024, 07:42:46 PM
Yeah I have a set available. Anything else you need?

I have quite a few feeders in variable condition that I am looking to now get rid of pretty dirt cheap if anyone is interested.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Lots of RV spares
Last post by Mickyblueeyes - September 04, 2024, 12:57:19 PM
Hi Trev
Do you still have spare driver sets, if so i would be interested

best regards

RV Hardware / Re: RV4s rewire
Last post by spiyda - August 09, 2024, 11:55:05 AM
Quote from: trev on August 03, 2024, 12:49:15 PMNice update on requiring your machine. Given me a little bit more motivation to put it higher up the list of things to do. It's a good idea to inline connections to the connector already there.

Cheers Trev, And the good news, she is behaving much better after the rewire, she did need the tool positions re calibrated using my two ball method as she was not releasing tools after all the disturbance, but properly placed about 60 boards with no errors and no repicks.   

RV Hardware / Re: RV4s rewire
Last post by trev - August 03, 2024, 12:49:15 PM
Nice update on requiring your machine. Given me a little bit more motivation to put it higher up the list of things to do. It's a good idea to inline connections to the connector already there.

RV Hardware / Re: RV4s rewire
Last post by spiyda - July 31, 2024, 11:46:19 PM
Its an old thread, but I finally bit the bullet and rewired the arm on the machine I use...

I only found one fault and two almost fault,

The solid Blue wire was broken inside ... again  ..  I'd replaced part of it where it goes through the wrist joint, but this time it had broken where it goes through the elbow joint.

One almost fault was two out of seven strands remaining on one of the solder bucket terminals on the back of a D connector.

The other almost fault was that where three earth wires connect to a single solder bucket, the joint was tenuous at best and fell off when touched.

For this rewire, I used a 40 Way Pin PCB Female Socket Header Connector 2.54mm and cut it down to the lengths of the plugs..  3 x 4 way  1 x 8 way and 2 x 5 way   

The new wires were soldered on tugged to e sure they were on well and heatshrink applied..

Under the deck, where the wires were easily accessible they were soldered to the Header socket or the "D" type solder buckets,  but to be honest I cheated and connected inline to the quite a few of the wires on the larger "D" type as they were close together and a bit fiddly..  since they never move in that area, I thought it was a safe compromise.

I made one mistake on the bottom 4 way on the arm but found it by using a continuity tester to check my spare machine against the rewired machine. It tuns out it had been repaired before and the repairer had changed the wire colour inside the main column !!

If I were to do this again, I would be more methodical and map the wire positions on the arm to where they go in the various connectors under the deck..

Anyway, after all that, ( it took about 10 hours altogether) I'm now confident that there are no wiring faults and I'm hoping that the intermittent faults I'd been having are a thing of the past !

FYI there are about 23 wires that pass through the arm, I didn't have all the various colours, just 2 sets of 12 colours and some permanent markers.

For some insane reason I chose one of the hottest days of the year to do it, very relieved its over and the she still works!