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For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Sanyo Denki drivers
Last post by Mike - October 15, 2024, 05:58:45 PM
I have a small stock of the hybrids on the Sanyo drivers if anyone needs them - they seem to be pretty reliable though - I had one die a long timne ago, possibly due to shorted wiring.
RV Software / Re: windows95 / 98 drivers
Last post by Mike - October 15, 2024, 05:56:17 PM
Storage limits updated - please upload any drivers etc. that might be useful.
For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Sanyo Denki drivers
Last post by trev - October 11, 2024, 12:10:49 PM
I have some of these available, make me an offer. All came from working systems.
For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Main control box
Last post by trev - October 11, 2024, 12:09:38 PM
Hi have a control box for sale. This has 3 RSP-320-36 supplies in it. I have not used it for a while but I am sure this is the one I used as my daily driver for my machine. Having these supplies in it means you can do merge moves on placement without worry of voltage dips. I think it is one of the reasons placement was actually quite accurate for me.

The supplies themselves cost £50+VAT new alone.

I am sure it is all working but it is sold as seen. I cant upload any images as it says site if full, contact Mike. If you want to message me your email address I can send images.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / PC for sale with DSP and graph...
Last post by trev - October 11, 2024, 12:04:21 PM
I have a PC for sale. It won't have a hard drive in it so it's a computer to setup from scratch but it has a DSP card and the graphics grabber card in it. Open to offers. Looks to be in good condition.

Make me an offer.
For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / DSP card for sale
Last post by trev - October 11, 2024, 12:03:02 PM
Anyone interested in making me an offer on a DSP card?

General SMT / Re: Wave soldering (ok not qui...
Last post by phonoplug - October 11, 2024, 11:40:26 AM
Interested to hear about adding germanium to the solder. What sort of quantity have you added and does it make a big difference to the dross? I'm keen to give it a try if it does. Where do you get it from? I'm not that keen to buy some from ebay, would rather get from a more trustworthy supplier, but it doesn't seem like there really are any!

RV Software / Re: windows95 / 98 drivers
Last post by phonoplug - October 08, 2024, 05:10:21 PM
Hi Kobie,

I've had a look through what I've got and it turns out I have a few different versions of a couple of files that may be relevant. I'll attach them all. You will need to rename the one you want to use as "framegrab.dll" and "Pxc2_95.dll" before trying them. They both live in c:\versatronics\rv\

I would also guess that you need to close and re-open the program before trying out a new version.

I dont know anything about what the differences are unfortunately so it will just need to be a try it and see approach!


Edit: I tried to attach the files - they are only a few hundered kb, but got an error:

There was a problem during the uploading of [filename].
The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem.

I'll email them to you directly in the mean time.
RV Software / windows95 / 98 drivers
Last post by kobie - October 07, 2024, 06:44:10 AM

I'm new in being an owner of a RV4 and not sure how many different configurations are out there, I would like to know if there is someone who can perhaps assist with Windows 95 / 98 drivers for a PXC-200L-02 Imagenation Grabber card. (PXC-200L-02 Imagenation (Color Frame Grabber) | ArtisanTG™)
I have been looking all over the internet and can't find drivers for the card, emailed the support people but without avail.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / RV Feeders
Last post by LeoBodnar - September 23, 2024, 12:49:19 PM
We have 5 blue and 5 grey feeder blocks from our 2 x QPlacer machines which we have now upgraded to Siemens Siplace feeders. There's also a load of spare parts, PSU, belts, wheels, etc.etc.

They are at our office in Silverstone, but can be shipped.

We were thing £100 per unit, or we can do a bulk price if you want more.

Please let us know if anyone is interested.