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Messages - Mickyblueeyes

RV Hardware / 20 way stick feeder arm reach
April 20, 2015, 09:52:07 AM
Hi I have a 20 way vibratory stick feeder which is built as a two tier design, I haven't seen another one listed anywhere it seems to work ok in itself but I am having problems getting the arm to reach the top tier as it is further back and the machine keeps telling me I am at its limits, this feeder came with my machine and is made by versatronics I just wonder if it was for a different machine.

Any help would be appreciated.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Nozzles Wanted
April 18, 2015, 08:01:07 AM
Hi Thanks Mike and Steve, I didn't have any dispensing needles so I managed to bore out a 1mm piece of stainless welding rod with 0.6 drill and made a tip for the No 1 nozzle, what I don't understand is that the original tip didn't seem to match the drawings that show the nozzle point at 1mm where as the tips on the machines seemed to finish at around 1.4 mm were they updated?

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Nozzles Wanted
April 17, 2015, 10:52:20 AM
Hi I am wondering where everyone is getting replacement nozzles from as both my machines have broken and worn down nozzles, also how long would you expect them to last.

RV Hardware / Plastic tape grip problem solved
April 11, 2015, 05:45:36 PM
Hi this is my first post in the forum although I have read most of the other posts on here and learning a lot from you guys.
I have 2 machines an RV1s and an RV4s both of which I bought separately on EBay last year.
I am setting up for a small first production run on the RV4s and have come across the grip issue on plastic tapes, after a lot of trial and error I have finally diagnosed the cause of the problem. I found that if you used a double thick section of plastic leader tape that the friction issue disappeared, this meant that it wasn't a material problem, I also noticed that the tape would only feed forward not reverse when single thickness and that however hard you pushed down on the roller the friction on the tape didn't increase. it turns out that the roller is actually in contact with the plate that covers the indexing pin but only when the roller is too low on thin materials, so this is a design/ manufacturing problem with the machine.
My solution for my own feeders is to hollow grind the front end of the metal strip, I found some feeders don't have the problem because of manufacturing tolerances they just miss each other, I am sure there a re a few ways to remedy this depending on available resources.

its easy to test if this is your problem pull a strip though and where you find it wont grip remove the two screws holding the plate in place and nudge it back out of the way and try again, mine are working faultlessly now, I hope this helps someone else.
one other thing, you can actually see the wear on the plate caused by the belt rubbing against it.
