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Messages - Mickyblueeyes

Hi Phono, this might be a con it certainly isn't a genuine offer as the photo's provided are of a machine I bought on Ebay 4 years ago!.
RV Hardware / Re: O-Rings, Drive belts etc
March 26, 2018, 11:45:54 AM
Hi Ref  the plastic tape grip problem, I had a lot of this when I first used my RV4s  but I found my problem was a mechanical problem with the feeders please see my earlier post
Hi I Have spotted an RV4S on Craigslist, if anyone is looking at it then be careful as the Pics shown are of a machine I bought on Ebay in November 2014.

Hi Gopher, when I bought the machine it was filled with Galden 240 I am currently mixing in Galden 215 to try and get this down to around the 230 degree mark then I might try again with the Panasonics, last time with the galden 240 the top of the cap was domed and it wouldn't have taken much more for it to leak.
I have had a capacitor explode in a convection Oven before when the soldering time was extended due to high mass parts.
I run Vapour phase here, apart from the problems of tombstoning the other major headache is that you can't use aluminium electrolytics as the contents boil up and can explode. I am currently looking around for 400V caps for an offline switcher that is compatible with Vapour phase, but without electrolytics other technologies cost too much.

RV Software / Re: components left to place
May 02, 2015, 03:56:14 PM
Hi Mike, I did understand the sequence it just wouldn't work, in the end  I had to rebuild the job file through RVSETUP  with a new name and I have placed 70 boards now.
RV Software / components left to place
April 28, 2015, 08:56:06 PM
Very confused newbie, I have finally got to a position where I can place parts but having placed a pcb where errors occurred I manually placed the parts missing and went to go on to another board, my problem is that the machine still thinks there are 2 parts left to place which it will happily place on top of the existing parts but after that they are still listed as being unplaced, I have tried using the reset components button but is doesn't change anything, there are no errors listed and no matter what I do the machine seems to be stuck like this, any ideas!.


RV Hardware / Re: improved Nozzle idea
April 22, 2015, 04:08:47 PM
Hi, I haven't placed many parts as yet with my stainless steel tipped nozzle in fact the machine will be doing its first production run starting tomorrow, I hadn't worked out that the 1mm tip is slightly larger than the width of the 0603 parts I am trying to place and being bright stainless it has affected the vision and explains why the system is reporting a .040 width on the parts, its not a problem on the size 3 because of the O ring. so yes phono was right the camera can see it, I am going to take it off and reduce the dimensions and blue it and see where that gets me.
the point I was making about the magnetic tip was that it is only the tip of the nozzle that is magnetically held, the body of the nozzle would still be held in place by the current arrangement so this could therefore be machined into a scrap nozzle.
For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Nozzles Wanted
April 22, 2015, 12:28:40 PM
1mm x 2.4mm ID O rings turned up so Nozzle 3B now looks like this, I have never seen the original plastic version so this is just working from the drawings and guesswork

RV Hardware / Re: improved Nozzle idea
April 22, 2015, 12:08:47 PM
Hi Phono, I can't see how the colour of the tip can affect the vision system as the tip is smaller than the part and the vision system is looking from below it, the main body of the nozzle could still be coloured black or indeed be made of plastic as it is now, we already vision both white and black parts on a black tip.
the sacrificial idea is simply that the tip falls away on any sideways impact and can simply be placed back afterwards, accuracy will depend on how the tip and body is machined around the magnets and shouldn't be a problem.

When I get a few spare hours I will investigate it further, the fact that we don't have a ready supply for the Nozzles is my main reason for considering it.
RV Hardware / improved Nozzle idea
April 22, 2015, 10:29:58 AM
As some of you may have seen I have had to remake a few of the Nozzles as the original parts on the machines were unusable, this has got me thinking as the replacement parts have been stainless steel why not remake the whole nozzle that way. I can see a problem with using metal nozzles is that they might get bent If knocked or worse still damage a feeder or the arm, so my current thought is that if the tip were held in by a reasonably strong magnet it could then detach if a problem occurs saving both the nozzle and the machine. Any thoughts?

RV Hardware / Re: Plastic tape grip problem solved
April 22, 2015, 10:03:10 AM
Just for interest I have taken a pic of one of the plates before it was modified and you can see where the rubber belts have been riding on it, they appear as conical marks above the slots like on the third lane, this means the belt is riding on the plate and cannot exert sufficient pressure on the tape.

For Sale/Wanted, Suppliers / Re: Nozzles Wanted
April 22, 2015, 09:40:50 AM
I did consider 3D printing but not for nozzles more for replacement plastic parts for feeders, back to nozzles I have so far augmented both nozzle 1 with stainless steel but also nozzle 3 as I found the rim for holding the o ring was worn away.
I have included pics, what I do need is the O rings or the sizes for the nozzles including nozzle 5 , my current O ring for nozzle 3 is way oversize so I have made 2 versions 3A takes the only small O ring I have which is 1.7 mm thick  and 3B takes the O ring I expect to use which is around 1mm thick by approx. 2.5 id.

RV Hardware / Re: 20 way stick feeder arm reach
April 22, 2015, 08:39:55 AM
Hi I have finally had time to take some pics of the 20 way feeder
RV Hardware / Re: 20 way stick feeder arm reach
April 20, 2015, 03:22:21 PM
Hi Phono on mine the upper shoe is the same size as the lower one except they have removed a few bits off the rear bottom corners so it will fit, either that or mine isn't original. I will take some pics later, it is currently in bay F which is as close to the arm as it gets.
I suppose I could make an extended shoe for top and bottom to allow it to work., I only have 3 sticks in there at the moment so I have just used the bottom tier.
